Lasting Impact on the Journey

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I was procrastinating a little last year and Googled myself just to see how my web presence was going! I found the usual stuff about my academic work and blah, blah, blah but I was blown away when I came across this beautiful blog post from one of my students that I taught in semester one, 2012, at Flinders Uni. Thanks Rachael for the lovely, lovely words!
Rachael’s post has got me thinking! It’s incredible the impact we have on students…. we change their lives in unknown ways! We get a glimpse of their journey at a point in time and we hope the impact is positive and lasting. We get to equip our students for the journey ahead. Teaching is so rewarding and being an integral part of students’ journey of learning is the greatest gift! So often we don’t know how we are influencing our students’ lives and in many cases we will never know but I love and deeply appreciate those moments where we get an insight into the lasting impact we have! I love teaching.