Standard 6. Professional learning
As listed in the National Professional Standards for Teachers, educators must “engage in professional learning.”
This standard is broken down into a few subcategories:
6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.3 Engages with colleagues and improve practice
6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning
I believe that I have met the criteria by doing the following as outlined in the blog posts below:
Skype and Twitter for building a PLN and learning from others
My Twitter profile will show many conversations with teachers and principals which have helped me to learn more about teaching and student learning.
Since 2010 I have also been an active member of MERGA, AAMT, CEGSA (edtechsa) and AARE which combine both cutting edge research and practice. Attending and presenting at these conferences not only builds strong professional networks but also informs my teaching practice and helps me to improve student learning.