
Fifteen Fun Facts about me… Shaileigh Page

1. I LOVE teaching and my purpose in life is to see kids learn and do all things with a spirit of excellent! They are tomorrow’s (and today’s) citizens!

2. I adore researching and publishing my research. I have interests in Christian Education, Web 2.0 tools, Actvity Theory, ICT and math!

3. I was at uni for far too long (3 degrees, 10 years in the making) but hey, I am a life-long learner. Learning is what makes me tick!

4. I love the beach, lakes and mountains!

5. I stopped drinking coffee very briefly….. and now I drink it again…. I love a strong coffee with almond milk.

6. Twitter is my life-line to other teachers who both inspire and challenge me! Facebook is a lifeline to family and friends, now that I have relocated to the U.S.A.

7. I find Skype a daunting yet a fun and effective tool to use in teaching and learning! One of my favourite people to Skype is Craig Badura!

8. Some of my personal heroes are my mum, Christine Caine, and my Grade 4 and 5 teachers (they changed my life!)

9. I have a nerdy love of education philosophy and the theories behind teaching and learning.

10. I love dark chocolate and nuts of all kinds!

11. Reading is a passion of mine and at present I am reading some of Bill Rogers books along with some Dave Ramsey gold! I also love reading real life stories and at present my favourite is Undaunted by Christine Caine. The two books that have most changed my life are the Bible and “Educating for Eternity” by Schinder.

12. Winter is my favourite season and December is my favourite month (hello ….. you can’t beat Christmas!)

13. Maths, Science and History are my favourite subjects to teach.

14. I have a PhD which looked into how teachers can be more aware of students attitudes, feelings and emotions in mathematical learning.

15. I love connecting with people and I look forward to connecting with you! 🙂

Check out my about.me page – about.me/shaileighpage