Facebook: A Community of Learners

So…. it’s a Saturday night, 10.07pm and here I am siting on the couch trying to wrap my brain around ACARA for my class of gorgeous and handsome grade 6/7’s!! I was becoming a tad overwhelmed and so naturally I headed to Facebook for a well deserved break. Actually, it wasn’t a well deserved break but a break never-the-less! Whilst scrolling down my newsfeed full of friends babies, delcious dinners, recipes to try and articles to read, I came across a post from the group What a Great Teaching idea. I posted a cry for help…. I needed some ideas for my grade 6/7 science curriculum. I love the new curriculum but I also need more resources and ideas to help me along at this stage! I was totally taken aback by the generosity of others teachers who jump in and help out. Ideas, resources, books, websites and even unit plans were offered to me!! WOW… I am continually amazed at how Facebook and other social media sites can be repurposed for education!! I am one very thankful teacher… thankful for Facebook groups and thankful for generous teachers who are willing to share their experiences and resources!! 🙂

So…. how have you repurposed technology or social networking recently? Share your thoughts… and if you’re not part of What a Great Teacher Idea…. definitely join… it’s a fab group full of experiences and passionate teachers!!

Good night all…. heading to bed… enough planning done for the night!